Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

The Leader in My Dream

Di postingan ini, nDaru mau nggambleh pakek Bahasa Inggris biyar dikira nginternasiyonal. Siapa tawu ketiban sampurnya Miss Unipers. Silakan siapken kamus Anda.

You may have updated news that Obama delays his coming to Indonesia (again). Last March when this first Afro-American president confirmed his delay, he was not only saying “No, I won’t come, Indonesia.” He stayed with his cabinet to struggle the legalization of the new Health Bill by the congress. And, now he also decides to stay with his people due to the tragedy of oil split on the Mexico Bay. Consequently, he has to cancel his visit to Indonesia and Australia, such risky decision for his foreign diplomacy since many believe that those two countries would be the bridge for Obama’s popularity in accordance with his global profile.

Well, I have to give salute to this president, because he proves his own commitment and legacy as a president. Obama himself shows how a real leader should be. He chooses to stay with a bunch of trouble bravely, instead of touring to other countries that contribute his famous much. He may have chosen to leave his country, give the command to the vice president to take a lead in the problem, and say to the press, “I am leaving for the future of America’s diplomacy. People, out there, should know that America is not against Moslem, America loves them, etc.” On the other hand, he didn’t.

Let’s look at what had happened here. Several months ago when Indonesian people were on the highest temper of facing Century scandal, where was the president? He didn’t do something that comfort his people quickly and just let the people argue and mock to each other. Even, he went to Australia for special occasion, receiving the Doctor Hounaris Causa, when many held big demonstration in front of the palace. Personally, I don’t like demonstration, I don’t suggest you yelling and screaming in public either. Yet, I do understand that Indonesian people don’t have any “better” way to voice their opinion, question, disappointment, and hope. You may have seen that even when they yelled and screamed, the government didn’t listen to them, how if they had only kept silent? Perhaps, the government didn’t even notice if there were people on the road.

As part of ordinary people, I don’t know what the president is doing and what he has done. And, frankly, I don’t like the president either. However, as an Indonesian citizen, I may have the right to have a care president, a leader who is willing to listen to the people. I am envy with those American people. They have a leader who puts the problem of the country in his first concern. They have a leader who doesn’t only think of what he should do to get the sympathy and popularity, a nice label of an ideal president.

However, I do understand that they’re just two different persons. Obama came from low-class society, even marginal society. I spent several years in America to stay with my Babe and I do understand how the people there treat the different skinned-people differently. Perhaps, the background contributes much effect on Obama’s leading way. On the other hand, our president came from military background. He may have had the same sad childhood with Obama, yet when he grew up in the military world, he had everything easily. You have to remember that he was the star in the military.

Well, may I hope to have a leader who is willing to listen to?

11 komentar:

tary sonora mengatakan...

wowww, dah memenuhi syarat nih jadi miss misan heheheheh

bentar buka2 kamus dulu yaw. english gue jelek soalnya :-)

Dewa Bantal mengatakan...

And how ironic how Obama was actually praised that SBY is a very good and outstanding President.

Well... probably it's not the matter about who the President is, but the nature of the country.

Indo loves demonstration, therefore, it becomes a daily bla bla bla... :lol:

Sok keren banget gw bicara politik *merinding*

Arman mengatakan...

ya bisa jadi juga ya karena background kehidupannya dulu jadi kebawa ke gaya kepemimpinannya ya...

chocoVanilla mengatakan...

Walah, kamusku keri nang omah jeh...

Tapi Jeng, beneran tuh alasan Mas Obama gitu? Bukan takut coming to Indonesa? Hihihiihi....

But, whatever people said, I still love my President :D

orange float mengatakan...

bisa jadi, latar belakang kehidupan yang membuat kedua orang ini memiliki cara yang berbeda dalam memimpin.

kita juga ngak bisa membandingkan mereka, tiap orang memiliki cara yang berbeda meski tujuannya sama


Anonim mengatakan...

Memang untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin harus mempunyai prinsip dan wibawa yang kuat.....

nDaru mengatakan...

@mbak tary
Wekekekeke...english jelek kok maren kapan hari posting pakek bahasa linggis

@Dewa Bantal
Jangan2 cuman dibibir saja ya? Bisa juga sih..kultur bangsa asia yang sok kebarat2an kental banget di sinih

@Bang Arman
Keknya emang begitu bang, gaya memimpin gus dur ma Megawati aja beda..padahal sama2 orang jawa

@jeng Cho2-V
Takut disantet?? hihihihi..which president mbak?

Betul itu mbak, saya jg ndak bermaksud menyalahkan seseorang yang mungkin maksud dia baek, tapi penyampaiannya ndak gitu sip..ya saya setuju, mereka toh tetep 2 orang yang berbeda

anda ndak nyalon jadi presiden lae?Jadi ketua KPK aja dulu gimana? :)

Rudini Silaban mengatakan...

iya,,sambil nunggu 2014 siapa tau bisa jadi Ketua KPK yg baru....hahahahahahahahaha...

Anonim mengatakan...

It's nice to hear your perspective on this issue. Most comments at other blogs show that people took Obama's multiple cancellations personally, as if Obama did it purposely to make these people angry. What people don't realize is that Obama inherited right away way tooooooo many problems from Bush, so it makes sense that he has been very busy, and then now there's the oil spill problem. So, I would like him to go to Indonesia too, but I don't think people should take it personally that somehow he can't make it there yet. I really enjoyed reading your perspective. Keep writing in English too, I know it's challenging. I need to practice writing in Bahasa Indonesia too, biarpun sudah agak kaku :)

Anonim mengatakan...

kebetulan sebelum baca artikel ini aq dah siap2 bawa kamus dah gt sambil buka banyak program tranlet jadi aq tau artinya...wekekeke....kalo miss unipers ada knp mister unipers gada yak?

nDaru mengatakan...

@ olive tree
and the more confusing thing is people think that obama must come here. seems like it's obama's main duty huh?, i don't find any contribution of this country to obama. he only stayed for couple of weeks. thanks anyway for sharing interesting perspective.

mister unipers keknya ada pak.
dulu, bang arnold ituh kan juwaranya mister unipers. tapi yah, namanya bisnis pencitraan ituh paling asik majang cewek2 bohay.