Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

eulogi buat herna

It is particularly hard for me to say any words of my beloved, late sister. It is not because that I have so little memory of her. On the contrary, they are scatterred heavily, passing by in every single cell of my brain. She is too much beloved, too significant to describe in words, but she is clearly there, in the air that I inhale.
I always want to remember her as a human being, not any kind of human, but my sister. She and I grew up together, we lived side by side for so many years. She witnessed my life, I hers. She was always determined as a little kid, rebellious and naive teenager, but end-up as a mature human being. She always kept her weight reasonable, easily disturbed by a bit of fat in her belly. Oh, I know sometimes it is silly to watch what we eat, but she really got scared of what any disease could do to our body.
I once doubted her capacity to interact with people as I used to think that she is so determined to what she thought was right. But later on, she proved me to be the most understanding person ever.
I know that everyone here may have his/her own memory of my sister and I know that I do not have the right to ask certain way of remembering her. But here is one thing I want you all to remember her. She is just one us, a pilgrim on a journey. A journey of her own, of course. We,like her, were once hopeful, desperate, lively, obsessed to something. We. like her, have goodness and wickedness. But at last, above anything else I want in life, I have courage and bravery to face both life and death.Just like her.

unang tangisi tanomanki (jangan meratapi makamku)
unang tarilu-ilu ho (dan menangis tersedu)
dang disi au (aku udah ga disini)
dang modom ahu (aku ga' tidur)

simbur do au di musim arilogo (aku adalah rintik hujan di musim kemarau)
silo ni intan diginjang di salju da ngali (kilau permata di hamparan salju yang dingin)
sinar mataniari na lambok do au (aku adalah hangat sinar matahari)
na pamatangkon gandum (yang mematangkan gandum)
molo dungo ho dibot ni ari (bila engkau terbangun di pagi hari)
jala manatap ho tu ginjang(dan menatap ke langit)
berengonmu ma au disi habang dohot sonang(engkau akan melihatku terbang bebas)
raphon dohot angka pidong di langitan(bersama-sama burung di angkasa)

jadi unang tangisi tanomanku, hamu angka na huhaholongi(maka jangan meratap di makamku)
unang tarilu-ilu hamu(dan menangis tersedu)
ndang disi be ahu(aku ga' disitu)
mangolu dope ahu (aku masih hidup)

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